
Effect of therapeutic riding on Center of Gravity (COG) and Joint Angles parameters of blind children (A long-term study)

Steiner, Kertesz

IFAC Proceedings Volumes
Volume 45, Issue 18, 2012, Pages 211-217


We examined the effect of therapeutic riding on the development of blind children. Examination of walking is appropriate for assessing the coordination of movement and for following the changes. In our view we found therapeutic riding should be considered as a new form of habilitation. 34 pupils (19 boys and 15 girls) of an auxiliary school participated in therapeutic riding. We compared children in four groups: deaf, nursery school – aged, school – aged with normal mental skill, and mentally retarded, disabled children.


Center Of Gravity received more stability in sagittal plane and Center Of Gravity received more mobility in vertical and horizontal plane and we can see it in joint angles

Conclusions from This Review

According to our results therapeutic riding may be successfully used as an additional therapy for blind children and it may present a form of habilitation in cases when other means of therapy are not successful.