Summary of the Systematic ReviewARTICLE CITATIONElectromyographic evaluation of the lower limbs of patients with Down syndrome in hippotherapyRibeiro, Espindula, Ferreira, Ferraz, Sande de Souza, Diniz, Teixeira Physiotherapy (2015) ARTICLE DETAILSDescriptionHippotherapy is a therapeutic method that uses the horse’s movement to achieve functional results in practitioners with Down syndrome (DS), who present motor and neurophysiological changes that affect the musculoskeletal system. Evaluating the motor behavior related to the control and the improvement of muscle activation in practitioners with Down syndrome subjected to hippotherapy. 10 practitioners were divided into two groups: Down Group (DG) - practitioners with DS, and Healthy Group (HG) - practitioners with no physical impairment. ProfessionPhysical Therapy LocationBrazil Intervention TerminologyHPOT Study DesignCase-control cross-sectional research Sample10 Children Age/Population8- 15 Years Assessment/ Outcome measure tools8-channel portable Surface Electromyography device by EMG System of Brazil® was used for the record of muscle activity Result CategoryMotor Activation Dosage/Description of Intervention20 sessions total, 30 min of movement (10 minutes right circles, 10 minutes of straight movement, 10 minutes left circles) |