Summary of the Systematic ReviewARTICLE CITATIONEvaluation of hippotherapy in the course of Multiple Sclerosis treatmentGencheva, Ivanova, & stefanova Archives in Physical Education and Sport (2015)
ARTICLE DETAILSDescriptionThe aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of hippotherapy as a treatment intervention of postural control, balance, chronic fatigue and emotional tension in patients with multiple sclerosis. ProfessionPhysical Therapist LocationBulgaria Intervention TerminologyHPOT Study DesignPre & Post Sample10 Adults Age/Population35-53 years Assessment/ Outcome measure toolsBerg Balance scale, Fatigue Severity Scale, Bertoti Posture Assesment Scale, Test for Emotionality Result CategoryPostural Control, fatigue, well-being Dosage/Description of Intervention20 min, 16 sessions over 16 weeks |