Summary of the Systematic ReviewARTICLE CITATIONHippotherapy effects on trunk, pelvic, and hip motion during ambulation in children with neurological impairmentsEncheff JL, Armstrong C, Masterson M, Fox C, Gribble P Pediatric Phys Therapy (2012) ARTICLE DETAILSDescriptionThis study investigated the effects of a 10-week hippotherapy program on trunk, pelvis, and hip joint positioning during the stance phase of gait. ProfessionPhysical Therapist LocationUSA Intervention TerminologyHPOT Study DesignPre/post test Sample11 Children Age/Population5-11 years Assessment/ Outcome measure toolsGait analysis video and software Result CategoryGait Dosage/Description of Intervention10-45 minute sessions in a 12 week period, 35 minutes was spent moving on the horse |