Summary of the Systematic ReviewARTICLE CITATIONImpact of hippotherapy for balance improvement and flexibility in elderly people.Dinaz L, de Mello E, Riberio M, Lage J et al Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2020) ARTICLE DETAILSDescriptionThe decrease in functional ability, strength, balance, flexibility, agility, and coordination owing to neurological and muscular changes is one of the characteristic features of the human aging process. Hippotherapy has been highlighted as a therapeutic approach with physical and psychological benefits for this section of the population. However, the effects of hippotherapy in elderly people need to be further studied by assessing their balance and flexibility. ProfessionNot Specific LocationBrazil Intervention TerminologyEquine Movement Study DesignPre-test/post-test with control and experimental groups SampleThirty elderly people were recruited and divided into two groups; 15 in the Hippotherapy Group (HG), and 15 in the control group (CG) Age/Population60-70 years Assessment/ Outcome measure toolsBerg Balance Scale (BBS), the Timed Up and Go (TUG), Functional Reach Result CategoryBalance, function Dosage/Description of Intervention10, weekly mounted sessions for 30 min |