Mary Helene graduated from Boston University’s Sargent College with a degree in Physical Therapy in 1984 and received an M.S. in Health Care Administration from Salve Regina University in 2018. Mary Helene has been incorporating hippotherapy into PT services for over 20 years, which has allowed her to combine her love of horses with the practice of physical therapy. Mary Helene has extensive experience providing physical therapy to individuals with multiple developmental disabilities across the lifespan, from early intervention and school-aged children to working with aging adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. She is currently working with typically developed geriatric adults and consulting to and mentoring other therapists who are incorporating equine movement into their therapy practice. Mary Helene began training as a faculty member for the American Hippotherapy Association in 2003 and became a Coordinating Faculty Member in 2006. In 2019, she began serving on the AHA, Inc Board of Directors and is a current member of the Research Committee.
Faculty Disclosure
Financial: Mary Helene Chaplin is an independent contractor for the AHA, Inc. and receives a fee from AHA, Inc. for instructional services.
Non-Financial: Mary Helene Chaplin is a member of the AHA, Inc.