Summary of the Systematic ReviewARTICLE CITATIONThe effect of hippotherapy on spasticity and on mental well-being of persons with spinal cord injury.Lechner HE, Kakebeeke TH, Hegermann D, Baumberger M Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (2007)
ARTICLE DETAILSDescriptionTo determine the effect of hippotherapy on spasticity and on mental well-being of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI), and to compare it with the effects of other interventions. ProfessionPhysiotherapist LocationSwitzerland Intervention TerminologyHPOT Study DesignCrossover Trial with 4 Conditions Sample12 Adults Age/Population27-68 Years Assessment/ Outcome measure toolsSpasticity measured through the Ashworth Scale and a client-reported visual analog scale; Wellbeing measured through Bf-S Result CategorySpasticity & Mental well-being Dosage/Description of Intervention25 min, 2x/week, for 4 weeks = 8 sessions total; Participants rode horse at a walk for 25 minutes with a physiotherapist for balance if needed; bareback pad only |